Title: Kisumu Municipality/Block 8/103
Location: The property is situated in Kilimani area along Nzoia road, approximately 600 meters due to southeast of kisumu town centre, approximately 30 meters due Northeast Xaverian primary school. It is definable by Diri Exquisite wines and liquor house.
Coordinates: Latitude, 0°6’21.55″S, Longitude 34°45’33.34″E
Area: The plot measures 0.1115HA or 0.2755 acres approximately.
Infrastructure: This is a rectangular shaped fairly mixed soils plot whose boundaries are marked by part building lines and part natural stone perimeter topped with strands of razor wire.
Entrance to the rear is via double fabricated steel plate gate mounted or reinforced concrete pillars opening on to the compound.
For more information kindly reach us through our various communication channels.
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Physical Location
Queensway House, 6th Floor, Suite 615, Kaunda Street, Nairobi